So I've landed. England looks more or less the same - bit foggy and windy, but I don't mind. Ewa picked me up at John Lennon's airport and brought to her house in Crewe. I've been here before. It isn't Paris or London, and I'm not keen on small towns, but this is only temporary, before moving to a bigger place, probably Liverpool (not decided yet). Still, tomorrow I'm going to have a tour. Łukasz said that he even got A-Z map of Crewe, he can give it to me. If the town has A-Z, it can't be too bad;)
Maybe I could busk here? I don't think they get many buskers around Crewe. It can be good news or bad news. Do I have the balls to check which one?
I'm so tired right now. Good night people.
'the earth will not stop if some questions remain unanswered..' - a friend of mine used to say