Sunday, June 23, 2013

Personal balloon

     The weekend was quiet, I’ve spent it mostly home. Saturday sending some CVs, filling up applications. Today was kind of idle – short walk with Ewa and Łukasz, enjoying the wind and rain, then we watched “The Time Traveler’s Wife” (I love this one, I’ve watched it five or maybe even six times already).
     Tatiana sent me a song she wants me to learn. It’s a spiritual, Hindu song, very beautiful, but I was just happy to hear her voice, her singing. I wanted to share it here, but somehow I wasn’t able to sort it out with the uploading and a player, so you wont know:)
     But I’m putting here her drawing of us flying in balloon, in our personal dreamland.


  1. :)) beautiful picture
    There is even a flag with the moon

    1. She is a beautiful artist, this wife of mine:)
